Sharon & Sjors: “An unforgettable time”
Sweet TiT team,
Wow, what have we had an unforgettable time in beautiful Tuscany! We had never done this without you.
It was always our dream to marry abroad. During our search on the internet we quickly arrived at the site of Trouwen in Toscane and what looked that was all super romantic and cared for. The team also appeared to consist of two Dutch ladies, perfect for two non-Italian speaking Dutch people. After completing the application form, a first acquaintance via Skype quickly followed and before we knew it we had decided to marry – with the help of Trouwen in Toscane – in Tuscany.
In November, together with Roos and Sonja, we went to see the castle where we had noticed and we were sold immediately! A beautiful location on top of a hill with authentic Italian decorated rooms and just big enough for the number of guests who had in mind. After the capture of the castle the rule really started. Roos has been a tremendous support in this. She sent suggestions, reminders, options and examples and always made sure that everything was arranged and recorded on time. The cooperation with Sonja was also very nice. She needed few words to feel what we were looking for and the end result was so beautiful!
A few days before the wedding we went to the castle and during the week, more and more friends and family members joined us already, great fun! The owner and employees of the castle were very nice and sweet people. They really made us feel special during our stay. On the Thursday before the wedding, we went into the wedding and then Rose came with us to the castle to go through the planning one last time. Even the position of the sun at the time of the ceremony was discussed, nothing was left to chance.
On Friday it finally happened, our pre-wedding pizza party! We had beautiful weather and during the day everybody had relaxed at the pool so the atmosphere was already good. We have eaten delicious pizzas that evening with a beautiful sunset in the background. Eventually the feet went off the floor until the late hours.
The day of our wedding we started with a joint breakfast, after which everyone left for the swimming pool. The ceremony was not until late in the afternoon because otherwise it would be too hot. Before everyone started preparing, we first had lunch together. There was a stall where the guests could make different types of sandwiches. This was an idea from Roos and really super nice.
The ceremony was very special and the setting was beautiful. Two friends opened our ceremony after which the official part followed by a super nice municipal officer and interpreter. We even received a gift on behalf of the municipal official. After the joint toast, the saxophonist and DJ arrived and our guests started the appetizer with snacks. We unfortunately did not get much of it ourselves because we went with Milos to take pictures but the guests were very enthusiastic about the saxophonist and DJ. The collaboration with Milos was pleasant. He gives a lot of clues, is professional and pretty perfectionist which produces beautiful pictures.
When we came back from the photos, the tables were ready for dinner and wow what looked fantastic! During dinner we could recover a bit from all the events and we enjoyed the delicious food and wine. We ended the dinner with a spectacular looking millefoglie with fresh fruit. Then it was time for the party! The cocktail bar was eagerly used and the dance floor was full. The DJ felt perfectly which pictures were good and he even mixed a number of Dutch-language hits through it. After the departure of the DJ we continued our own music for a few hours until we finally ended up tired and satisfied in our bed in the early morning.
The next day, the guests were given breakfast packets for on the way back and we left for Sardinia in order to enjoy a drink.
Dear Rose, Sonja and Milos, what are you very sweet, professional and enthusiastic people. Thanks for everything!
Sjors & Sharon